
Transform Your Vision with Duette Hybrid Contact Lenses
+10.00 to -15.00D
Daily Wear


Imagine walking outside and everything looks clearer and sharper than you’ve ever seen it before. Transform your vision with Duette contact lenses, a technologically advanced, high-performance lens to help you achieve better vision, even if you have astigmatism. For those with presbyopia, we also offer Duette Progressive.

  • Hybrid lenses combine two types of materials into one unique lens. The center is made of rigid material to give you clear and stable vision, while the surrounding soft skirt keeps the lenses comfortable throughout the day.
  • The lens has a range of powers from near to distance to enable you to see up close, far away and everywhere in between. For those that are presbyopic, Duette Progressive contact lenses do not require you to tilt your head to find the right spot for seeing at different distances, unlike progressive glasses.

Hybrids offer an effective correction especially those with a high astigmatism.

Ideal option for patients

  • Struggling with their current lenses due to lens rotation issues, periods of blurred vision, and lens discomfort
  • Looking to maximize their visual experience, such as those with occupations or hobbies that demand great vision

There’s no denying that new contacts can take some getting used to. But with any new habit, you just need a little practice.

Learn more about your new SynergEyes Duette contact lenses and become an expert in the process of applying and removing your lenses with the Application and Removal Resources available to you.

Application and Removal Resources.

*Tangible Hydra-PEG available in US and Canada only