Myopia Management Expert

As a Myopia Management Expert, you are a specialist in inhibiting myopia in children. You identify whether a child is at risk of becoming nearsighted, or – if a child is already nearsighted – create a treatment plan that best suits the child. This will stop the exacerbation of myopia as much as possible.

Myopia management requires experience, expertise and up-to-date knowledge. CooperVision Specialty EyeCare is the only contact lens manufacturer in the Benelux to exclusively offer Myopia Management Experts a complete range of optical interventions suitable for practical myopia management. In doing so, we support experts with the right tools, personal coaching, special webinars and free use of the promotional materials.

Become a Myopia Management Expert

Become a Myopia Management Expert and personally help decrease myopia in children. Learn more? Follow our webinar on Myopia Management.


With a great passion to achieve maximum visual acuity for every consumer, CooperVision SEC’s Professional Service team is happy to provide its customers with advice. The team is available to answer your (fit) specific and general questions.