Reclaim™ HD GP Multifocal

Turn Back the Hands of Time
-20.00D to +20.00D
Daily Wear
Rigid Gas Permeable


Take back your super vision!

Your eyes are unique and so are your visual needs at near, intermediate and distance. Reclaim HD GP Multifocal provides personalized optics for improved contrast and clarity with enhanced comfort and corneal integrity.

Like all specialty lenses, Reclaim HD lenses must be fitted to your unique eye by a licensed eye care professional and reevaluated at least once per year as your visual status may have changed.

  • Refined edge-to-edge multifocal optics with aberration control offer high-definition vision.
  • Minimizes halos, glare, and starbursts

Reclaim™ HD GP Multifocal is an excellent option for presbyopes of all levels without astigmatism.

Refer to your eye care practitioner's specific guidelines for care of your individualized lenses, and/or refer to the instructions that come with your lens order.